I’m Doretta Wright

You don't need to eat perfectly all the time - you just need to be consistent. I can show you how.

The truth is, if you want to see change in your body, athletic performance, energy levels, relationship with food, etc. you have to take action. My one-on-one coaching utilizes science and evidence-based information to develop customized meal plans. We work together on your individual goals while we create helpful grocery lists, recipes, and actionable plans that are actually sustainable.

Equestrian Dietitian

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist 

Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialist

the equestrian dietitian

Tying it all in with my passion for horses has led me to becoming "the equestrian dietitian".

While working as a full time groom and traveling with the US Equestrian team, I noticed how much time and attention was given to the horse's fitness and nutrition needs, but very little to the riders or grooms. Our horses receive the top level care in all areas, but we hardly take care of ourselves. We go without meals or often fuel ourselves with caffeine and fast food. I recognize we as riders and grooms are also athletes and I want us to be able to perform as well as our horses.  

I love food, cooking and fitness. When I decided to go back to school, I knew I wanted to go in the direction of fitness and nutrition and ended up becoming an RD.

FirstHealth of the Carolinas Diabetes Educator of the year 2017

featured in

Outreach NC Magazine

The Seven Lakes Insider